
A Foodie’s Guide to Copenhagen‘s Deliciousness!

Hello and welcome back! I am so happy that I finally got to visit Copenhagen. It was on my bucket list forever and now I could finally see it. And as Denmark is not only the home of hygge but also a paradise for lovely pastries, I thought I really need to write a guide to all of Copenhagen’s Deliciousness!

So this post will cover all the wonderful places that I visited and where I was overwhelmed by the café, sandwiches, or pastries I had. I will furthermore give you my recommendation on what to choose there. On another hand, you will notice that this post doesn’t cover places for dinner, only for breakfast and lunch. That is due to my first tip for you: If you visit Copenhagen go for an Airbnb and spend the evenings cooking at home. This will not only save you money but will also grant you some of the most hyggelig evenings ever. You will see: there is nothing more comfortable than a Danish home.

Copenhagen's Delicioussness! La Vie En Marine

Related: Pursuing my Bucket List: Go Biking in Copenhagen!

But you can read more about Hygge here later. Let’s just talk about all the amazing and wonderful places that I got to visit!


This was the first deli we visited and therefore my expectations were high. And the Parterre satisfied them all. It was lunchtime so we decided to have a sandwich there. They had two lovely alternatives but we chose to vary one of them a bit so it would fit our taste better. We opted for the one with eggplant and goat cheese but instead of the eggplant we ask the staff if we could have avocado with it. On the picture below you see the result of it and it was simply amazing. Their coffee is delicious as well and the café is overall so nice that I just can’t recommend enough. For me, it is a must-do in Copenhagen.

Sandwich by Parterre

Atelier September

It was a bit unfortunate that we visited the Atelier September late in the afternoon after I already had three coffee that day, so even though I would have loved to have a coffee there, I had to refuse. For my friend’s sake because you can’t imagine how annoying I am when overdosing on caffeine. That’s why I only got a juice there. But let me tell you that it is an incredibly delicious juice. You should have it as well.

Atelier September, a beautiful café and the juice I had there - La Vie En Marine
After having three coffees a day, I decided to go for a fresh juice instead for even more caffeine.

Related: Complete Copenhagen Guide!


I love cake. The cake is one of my favorite things to eat and the Bertels Café really nailed it to make some of the best cheesecakes ever. Paired with a white (!) hot chocolate, this cake will forever change your anticipation, what a good cake is. If I ever get to get married, I want them to make my wedding cake.

Bertels Copenhagen Cheesecakes with Berries on Top
Girl, you want that cake. This was one of the greatest cheesecakes EVER. Try it.

Café in the Glypoteket

This is probably the first café where you have to pay to get in. Well actually you don’t pay for the café but for the museum, the café is located in. But the museum is one of the most impressive museums I ever got to visit. For me, it is a must-do when you are visiting Copenhagen, so if you are there make sure to stop for a coffee and a nice pastry! I promise you, it will be the peak of Copenhagen’s Deliciousness! When  I was there I chose a lemon tart but next time I would go for a chocolate tart!

Pastries Glypoteket Cafe
Café of the Glyptoteket
If this isn’t the most stylish place on earth, I don’t know.

Cub Coffee Bar

Cub Coffee is a café something rather for the more artistic ones among us. The coffee is delicious but actually you go there for the beautiful and cozy interior! My tip: sit there for a while, chat and enjoy all the beautiful ph5 lamps. That’s pure hygge you soak up there!
Check Out Their Website here.

Related: The Three Best Cafés of Warsaw!

Café Ermanno

A true place of hygge! I wish my own living room would look like the Ermanno. Perfect for chilling with friends, having great coffee and embracing Copenhagen’s deliciousness! It is also super close to Nyhavn, so if you are in the area, it will suits your needs perfectly!

Café Ermanno
Could you say no to a coffee like this?


After a long day of shopping, everyone needs a sweet treat! In the center of Copenhagen the perfect place for this is in the Milk, where you can choose a sweet bun and then fill it with ice cream and sauce and afterward, you can top it with things like salted popcorn or marshmallows. Just so delicious!

Milk Buns in Copenhagen

And that was Copenhagen’s Deliciousness! These are my tips! I hope that they are useful to you and that you can try some of the wonderful things that I listed here! If you are interested in more Scandinavian adventures of mine, check out my post about hiking in Sweden! Or you could also check out my Europe Bucket List for further travel inspiration!

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A Foodie's Guide to Copenhagen‘s Deliciousness! - La Vie En Marine

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My name is Paula and I love to travel and explore our beautiful world. Stamps in my passport and adding countries to the list of places I have visited is what makes me truly happy. With this blog, I want to help you explore our world too.

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