
I am Paula and I host La Vie En Marine, a digital magazine dedicated to sharing insights and information about beautiful destinations around the world. For me there is no greater joy than traveling. I believe that by wandering foreign cities, hiking breathtaking landscapes or meeting people from different cultures we learn the most about ourselves and our environment. So far this passion led me to 45 countries and I can’t even stop dreaming about new upcoming trips!

Before you start scrolling around, I would like to tell you my story and how I got to travel and photography

Childhood Days

When I was a kid, we would spend every summer and Christmas vacation in Mallorca, Spain. This island is like home to me up to this day and there is no place like it!


In 2011 a lot of things changed! For the first time, my family and I didn’t spend our vacation on Mallorca, but went on a three week roadtrip through California, which really swept us all off our feet. When we were there we saw so much wildlife: otters, sea elephants, dolphins, turtles, sea lions swimming directly in front of us and cheerful squirrels.

It was also the year that I first went to Asia; as my mother is a flight attendant she was able to bring me to Hong Kong for three days. I didn’t know back then, but it would turn to my favorite continent.

2012 – 2014

In 2014 I went on my first trip ever without any adults around. Only me and my lovely friend Amira were going on a city trip to Paris.

My mother and I also went on a trip to Canada, where we got to see the Niagara Falls. Believe me, that’s a view that you won’t forget!

One moment that changed my life was when we went on a whale watching tour in Maine 2014. Maybe this was the moment, when I the travelbug first bid me?

Whale Fin in Cape Cod

2015 – 2017

riding at the beach in Norderney

However, it was in 2015 when my life changed for good. But before this happened I hit an important milestone: I got to ride my horse on the beach for the very first time. This was for sure one of those moments that you carry in your heart forever.

In summer 2015 I finished school and moved to Düsseldorf, which was the first time for me living in the city and not in the countryside, which was an eye-opening experience for me.


Was the year where everything changed again. I moved abroad for the very first time and I spent five months living in Kuala Lumpur. This time where I got to travel a lot means the most to me and up to this day, it was the happiest time. I really can’t wait to go back.

We had so many great experiences. Traveling to Singapore, Bangkok, Vietnam, Cambodia and Bali was incredible and left us speechless many times.

Summer 2018 – Spring 2020

When I returned to Düsseldorf, I started my bachelor’s degree which tied me to Düsseldorf for almost three years. I tried to travel as much as I can at this time and I actually did quite well.

Working on the blog, improving my photography and growing my little online community got me so much and the most important thing to mention here would be the amazing like minded friends I met via Instagram, something I will forever be grateful for!

Now this blog, La Vie En Marine is meant to inspire fellow travelers by sharing the best tips, recommendations and insights for destinations around the world. I hope that my articles encourage you to step outside of your comfort zone and start to travel this beautiful world!


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