
How to Hike in Stockholm: Tyresta National Park

Hello and welcome! Something I didn’t want to miss when visiting Sweden was to go hiking in Sweden. As Sweden is famous for its luscious forests and incredible landscapes, I just didn’t want to miss it when I was visiting Stockholm! After a quick research, it was clear that one great option to go hiking in Stockholm was in Tyresta National Park, which is just one train ride away from Stockholm! 

Tyresta - How to Hike in Stockholm

About Tyresta

8.000 species of wildlife can be found there and some of its trees are supposed to be more than 400 years old. And trust me: visiting such a primeval forest is something really special and interesting.

How To Get To Tyresta

You can either reach Tyresta by car or by train. As we were a bit young back then (20 years old) we decided to skip renting a car due to the extremely high costs of insurance. As it is super simple and only takes a 1,5 hours train ride, we opted for this alternative. First we took a train that brought us to Sweden’s countryside and afterwards we hopped onto a bus that brought us to Tyresta-by.

About Tyresta By

After we arrived we first took a look at Tryesta by, a small village located at the forest edge. If I only had one word to describe it, it would be idyllic. Surrounded by nature it only holds a small number of houses and only one public toilet. One of those houses is a small café that offers coffee, cakes, and protein bars for your hike.

Find their website here.

The only other restaurant there is the Lanthandeln and you not only can’t miss it but also mustn’t miss it. It is a cute small place that offers local candies, honey, and other delicious things. But the highlight for us was the sausage on a stick that you could roast over their bonfire. And let me ask you: is there anything cozier or more warming than roasting a sausage over an open fire after a long hike while watching the sunset being Swedish hills? Probably not.

About The Park.

But before having a sausage we actually had to work for it. In total, we walked 8 km that day and well we are no experts in hiking. We didn’t have proper shoes or even the stamina for it. You have to go up and down and sometimes even climb a bit to get through the trail we opted for. To admit it we didn’t walk the full trail as we were tired and the sun was already about to set.

But the whole trail was so extraordinarily beautiful that we couldn’t believe our every. Every turn we took was just proof that hiking in Tyresta is one of the best things to do when visiting Stockholm. The air was so fresh and crisp that I just couldn’t get enough of it. It felt so amazing especially keeping in mind that it was the first day of a brand new year. It was the perfect way to start off brand new. Returning to Tyresta by and later to Stockholm we were smiling all the way through.

Tyresta - National Park in Stockholm
Walking Around here was such an extraordinary adventure!
Tyresta - Hiking in Sweden
Walking Around here was such an extraordinary adventure!
Tyresta National Park

Thank You for reading this article! Check out my post about biking in Copenhagen if you are interested in more Scandinavian adventures of mine.

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My name is Paula and I love to travel and explore our beautiful world. Stamps in my passport and adding countries to the list of places I have visited is what makes me truly happy. With this blog, I want to help you explore our world too.

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