
48 Hours in Hong Kong

Hello and welcome everybody! In late August was ‚bring your kid to work‘ time for my mother. Not an official date as my mother is a flight attendant but she took me to work anyway. So we could experience Hong Kong for 48 hours!

Earlier this year I have been to Singapore with her and now we went to another vibrant city. We have been to Hong Kong together before but this was in 2011 which seems to be a lifetime ago.

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The Arrival and Really Terrible Weather

Getting to Hong Kong is was a real adventure as at first the flight was delayed and it almost got too late to depart. Then after the 11-hour flight, we had to face the fact that there was a typhoon raging in the area, making it very hard for the captain to have a calm and relaxed landing.

But all in all, we arrived safely in a very rainy and stormy Hong Kong. But I would rather be on a rainy adventure than in my sunny hometown.

Our Ride to The Hotel And The Renaissance Harbour View

After the migrations, we all got on the crew bus. One of the greatest things about crew life is that you get an amazing shuttle service to the city! As soon as we left the parking lot, we had huge raindrops coming down over our bus, making it a bit hard for me to see the surroundings.

Unfortunately, it didn’t stop raining until we arrived at our hotel, the Renaissance Hong Kong Harbour View Hotel. The hotel is one of the most beautiful ones that I ever stayed in and when you ask me about the best hotels in the world, this one comes to my mind.

After unpacking and a nice warm shower, we decided to have our dinner on the other side of the harbour. After a short check if the ferry was still going even during the storm we were quite pleased. Even with all the rain and storm, the ferry would be departing on time. (Take this Deutsche Bahn!). The ride itself was wild and adventurous but look at the amazing view we got!

Recommended: 7 Amazing Things to do in Hong Kong

The Mainland, Our Dinner and a Little Bit of Shopping

After arriving at the mainland we walked to the restaurant we wanted to visit. In 2011 we ate there too and we thought it would be funny to start this trip there again! The Restaurant is called Nomads and is a Mongolian buffet. It is really awesome. You can create your own meal with a lot of ingredients that get grilled for you. Furthermore, you can have various appetizers or put together your own special pizza. I can only recommend this place to you for your trip to Hong Kong. To visit their website click here!

Afterwards, we couldn’t deny it anymore that it was raining as if the world would end right away. Hong Kong was clearly not greeting us nicely. But my mother was there to rescue us with a plastic cape which kept us safe! (You can find them here!). As you know usually I am all about reducing my environmental impact by living a zero-waste inspired lifestyle and the cape usually wouldn’t quite fit my beliefs. But this cape really saved us from being completely drenched and so I just reused it and I can tell you I still own this cape today.

Nevertheless, we still visited the Night Market on Temple Street and we directly experienced the advantage of being outside in the pouring rain. And this is that nobody will join you. There was barely anyone on the market and openly speaking I enjoyed it so much as I don’t like being in-crowd. I love and need my personal space and therefore it wasn’t that bad.

After visiting the market we made our way back to the renaissance harbour view and snuggled in, hoping that the next day would be sunnier.

A Rainy Day in Hong Kong

Aaaaaand it was not better. But we seized the day anyway. To cope with the weather we decided to do some indoor activities. First, we got to a Spa and had a nice massage. We love to do wellness things every time we go on a trip. The Spa we went to was called Asian Foot Spa and very clean and nice. As my mom and I are both afraid of bacteria we are very picky.

Leaving the Spa relaxed we first went to Le Pain Quotidien and had some breakfast. You can get the best avocado toast there and also some nice coffee.

Afterwards, we walked across the city and did some shopping till the late afternoon. But don’t you dare think that Hong Kong is just all about shopping. Hong Kong is filled with opportunities of amazing activities for outdoor-loving persons. Later you will see that we just visited the peak and Stanley but check out other amazing experiences you can have in Hong Kong!

 Recommended: Asia Bucket List

You Don’t Want to Miss This…the Peak & Some Incredible Views

When going to Hong Kong I do not allow you to miss this beautiful experience. The Peak is one of the most famous sites in Hong Kong and I will give you a few tips on how to enjoy this to the fullest.

So logically you have to go uphill to reach the Peak. You will have to choose between three options:

  1. Go by the legendary Peak Tram
  2. Go by Taxi (can be pretty exciting; our ride downhill was like one on a rollercoaster!)
  3. Walk (My boyfriend once did this and it was one of the greatest adventures he ever did!)

Uphill I suggest you enjoy this amazing view! When having good weather, you can see this amazing city from above! Unfortunately, we were not that lucky as we just had fog all over the place. But we walked around the jungle for some time.

After walking and exploring I recommend you to visit the Peak Lookout Restaurant. Usually, you can have the best view from their terrace but due to the fog, we couldn’t see anything. But still: their food is amazing. I and my mom had the best dinner ever!

Waking up to Some Sun And Visiting Stanley

We couldn’t believe it but the next morning we woke up to a burning sun and 30 degrees. As if we waited patiently enough to be rewarded with good weather.

As this was already our last day in Hong Kong, we decided to take the bus to Stanley. If you have a day to spare in HK, I really recommend visiting this beautiful place. It has some lovely beaches and is just the perfect getaway from the busy city atmosphere!

Summing it up..

So in conclusion, I want to give you a small list of things, that you shouldn’t miss in Hong Kong!

  1. Visit the mainland and walk around the riviera (also at nighttime!)
  2. Ride Startferry
  3. Walk around Victoria Harbour (also at night time!)
  4. Get a look from above at the Peak!
  5. Visit the beautiful Stanley
  6. Do some shopping at the night markets!

I hope this small post (it feels more like an entry to my diary, to be honest!) helps you to plan your time in Hong Kong and to see what you get to do there!

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How to Spend 48 hours in Hong Kong - La Vie En Marine

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My name is Paula and I love to travel and explore our beautiful world. Stamps in my passport and adding countries to the list of places I have visited is what makes me truly happy. With this blog, I want to help you explore our world too.

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