
Eating Macarons at Ladurée

Hello and welcome back! I am so glad that you found your way back to my small place here! On my last trip to Paris, France, I could finally do something that I really wanted to do for a long time. It was eating Macarons at Maison Ladurée! It might be one of the best cafés in Paris, and I want you to enjoy it too!

For all those who wonder why I wanted to do so for so long is that I simply love Macarons and if you love them you heard about the ones from Maison Ladruée. They are famous for their pastries & especially their macarons. I would even say, that you didn’t have all the highlights of Parisian food if you didn’t have some Ladurée Macarons!

la durée - La Vie En Marine

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Here are a few extra insights…

After all, it is just another restaurant but nevertheless, I wanted to mention some things that are quite good to keep in mind!

Ladurée does not only offer Macarons and pastries in their bakeries but also has a restaurant to sit in. So if you want to have a really posh lunch, you should consider making a reservation there. Make sure to take some pictures because these places are just too beautiful!

That’s already everything you can consider when you for some macarons at Ladurée. I hope you liked this post!

If you want to read more about my time in Paris, check out my post about the Eiffel tower and how to prepare for a trip to Paris!


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My name is Paula and I love to travel and explore our beautiful world. Stamps in my passport and adding countries to the list of places I have visited is what makes me truly happy. With this blog, I want to help you explore our world too.

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