Hello and welcome back! Are you looking for some trending things to add to your packing list or for a gift for a friend? I put up this little list of my favourite items in the world to inspire you! Most of these items on this list are from smaller brands that I absolutely love and can’t imagine living without! Welcome to my list of must-have travel accessories!
This post contains affiliate links. If you buy something that I recommend, I will earn a small commission. As always, this commission won’t make you pay any cent more, it only helps me to provide more helpful postings.
Clothing & Accesoires
A HamaManiac Towel
After spending a plane ride freezing due to the air-con and not being warmed up by the thin blanket you will never not bring a large scarf with you for a long flight. My favourite one is by HamaManiac. It is large enough to be used as a blanket and the cosiest scarf for any day!
HamaManiac – as seen on Studio Fjer.

Facial Cream With SPF by Aesop
Ok if you didn’t get the news, let me get this clear for you: everyone who likes to age well, should use sun protection, every single day they plan to set foot outside.
Depending on where in the world you are currently the perfect cream depends on temperature, SPF and how your own skin feels like. I can say that I just found my perfect cream for European winter which happens to be the Sage & Zinc cream by Aesop. It comes with an SPF of 15 and has a creamy and rich texture, perfect for the weather conditions we have in a rainy Germany.

A Sustainable Chapstick by Dr Bronners
My lips are always chapped. I don’t know why this happens and if someone knows why, please let me know in the comments! But now and then my lips become extremely dry. What helps best is a chapstick that comes with amazing ingredients and a wrapping that consists only of recycled plastic. It comes in many different colours and tastes. Currently I have the blue one but before I had the rosé one. Unfortunately I forgot this one in the pocket of my jeans before washing it, so I had to mourn it for a while before I went and got my new one.
Recommended: Mallorca Bucket List
A Very Hyggelig Handcreme by Scandinavisk
Why does a girl’s life constantly consists of dehydrated skin and the eternal try to get some moisture into it? My lips are chapped, my skin is dry and my hands wants to be taken care of about every thirty minutes. Since last fall I think I found the best smelling hand creme there could ever be. ‚Fjord‘ by Scandinavisk smells like it was ‚crafted from glaciers‘. It also has some of the most stylish packages that I can imagine.
And even more amazing is that Scandinavisk holds a BiCorporation Certificate. This means that it is not only an outstanding product but also a sustainable one!
A Solid Perfume by Analog Apotik
I will repeat myself but there is nothing that I value more in my make up bag than my little solid perfume. Absolute must-have travel accessories for me! Before I would carry bulky perfumes with me, that lasted about an hour. Now I have a tiny tan of cream with me, that I can apply and that lasts for the whole day!
My go-to choices for this kind of perfumes are the ones by Analog Apotik. Their scent range is amazing and I fear the day that I will run out of it. My personal highlight is the scent ‚Admiral‘ that comes in a light turquoise tin and smells as if you’d just breathed fresh sea air.
Shop Analog Apotik
No matter which suitcase you travel, organizing it right is key to stress less travelling and also to make feel travelling feel 100% more stylish. An organized space makes me happy and gives me so much joy and it very much applies to my suitcase too! With the following devices you can make packing so much more organized, making all of them absolute Must-Have Travel Accessories!
Packing Cubes
What did I even do before packing with packing cubes? They allow you to create sections where you can easily sort your clothing, creating nice little cubes instead of just having a pile of stuff in your suitcase. When I pack, I always have one cube for the dresses, one for shirts and pants, one for underwear, etc. I bought my first ones from Muji, but nowadays you will find excellent on in a quite affordable set, as I linked below!
Where to buy:
Eono Packing Cubes – a complete set of all the cubes you might need!
Muji Packing Cubes – if you are looking for a high quality, long lasting solution, go for the Muji Packing Cubes!
An Stylish Passport Cover
By Yaga
It even says it on the passport itself: you need to take good care of it! Therefore I like to put mine into a cover. Yaga offers a wide range of different colours and materials for their passport covers. In this picture, you can see my mother’s passport in their leopard case!
Or the Cambridge Satchel Company
Another company that I like to advocate for is the Cambridge Satchel Company. They made my all time favorite passport cover, which also happens to have my intiatls on it!
Shop Cambridge Satchel Company
Camera Cube
I know not everyone carries so much camera gear with them as I do but for me it actually takes up a lot of space in my bag. And as I can’t just throw my camera in my bag, it is in the need of a good protection system. Which bag I use depends on how much gear I want to take with me. I have two different options that I like to use:
3 Responses
Thank you about the Dr Bronners! I had no idea they were made from recycled plastic. I constantly have chapped lips and cracked corners, only made worse by European winters!!